Life is still traveling at warp speed around here. As teachers, you are probably experiencing this same feeling. It is an occupational hazard - sometimes exhilarating, and sometimes frustrating.
Our rescue puppies are healthy, turning into "teenagers", and running our household ragged. But, they are a true joy. You simply have to smile when you are around them.
Geometry FOLKS: Work continues with Notebook updates and subscription updates. Our new interactive feature, "Hot Spots", are rolling along, but are, of course, more time consuming to develop than we expected. But, work goes on!!!
Pre-Calculus FOLKS: I know you are tired of hearing that we are still going to create Pre-Calculus. Our apologies, again!
Pre-Calculus and Calculus were among our favorite things to teach, so we are determined to persist in getting them going. Someday!!!
New Updates Never End!
As major areas reach the end of their current updating process, please understand that the concept of "updating" never ends. We seem to be continually finding new items we want to include in our materials. We still have piles for each level that include new ideas we want to develop. So, even if your section is currently "complete", there will still be new things coming your way in the future.
Now, if someone could just put more than 24 hours in one day,
it would be most helpful!!! Smiles!
Live long and love math,
Fred and Donna